Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32 - The Farewell

Ah, I only slept at 6AM today. We were slated to have a farewell dinner hosted by the local students tonight, and I had volunteered myself two days ago to draw up some cards for them. There were more than I thought, and the perfectionist in me made it difficult to just let them receive a dowdy store-bought card. Plus, after all the effort they've put into welcoming us and making us feel at home, it's only fair that we put a little more thought into their presents too!

So after two hours, I woke up and prepared to get some filming done with the A-Team. I was already running a little late, but arrived at Bossman's room to hear that they'd went out to get breakfast. When they came back, they were actually surprised to see me.

Apparently they knew that I would be staying up late to try and finish the cards, so they actually wanted to carry on filming without me. How sweet was that?

But since I was up, filming commenced!

We headed to their library at some point, just to have a look around. The study area was crazy quiet and you could actually feel the tension in the air. Just walking around that place kept you on tenterhooks.

The books area is actually divided into two floors, separated by that thin floorboard you see above. And the only thing holding the floorboards up are actually the shelves from the first floor. I didn't even dare to head up to the second story.

Next up on today's schedule: a friendly basketball match with the local students!

Introducing the MDE team: Liangxun, Edward, Yuchuan, Zhenzhao and Houngsheng!

Props to Haoteng for substituting and playing barefooted!

We managed a draw in the end! Everyone played well though, and the local students were really good.

Went back to the room to finish rushing the cards after watching the game. I ended up having to enlist the help of Edward, Yuhaw, Diyanah, Sheila, Jo and a few others to help me get the message written on the cards. Thanks very much for the help, everyone! :D

Went down to the place near Walmart for a buffet dinner at Golden Hans with the LSCT and local students around evening time. Barely made it on time due to the lack of cabs and the cards. :/

One of the 11 cards I made for the students. This was for Zheng Na, who's been really friendly to everyone. The envelope actually had first issued stamps from YOG 2010, which Mr Chia thought would be a nice gift for them to remember us Singaporeans by.

No chance of taking a photo table by table since every time there was a photo-taking, everyone would try and join in. We ended taking many many group photos.

With the local students! (L-R) Shen Ping, Zhi Peng, Hanhui, Nick, and Yang Tao.

Nick, Mr Chia and Bossman.

The A-Team whoo!

Zhi Peng the VP giving a speech. He may well be my classmate next year when he comes to Singapore to study with the others next year!

Yuchuan with local student Shenping.

The night ended on a good note, and I was later told that the students really liked the cards. At least my efforts paid off! :D


Personal Reflection

While watching them play today, I noticed that every time they committed a foul, they pointed it out to the referee themselves. I thought this was really admirable, since it meant that they really did played with dignity, and not with underhand methods.

Initially, we thought the match was a little aggressive and maybe a little too serious for a friendly match. Thinking back, they were probably playing that seriously to respect the opposing team and respecting the game. With this in mind, I really respect their good sportsmanship.