Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 28 - The A-Team Bridge isn't Falling Down

With aching legs, we all hauled ourselves out of bed in the morning the final Project Management presentation. The A-Team was the first team to present, so I had to get up even earlier to prepare. We ended quickly though, which warranted a short nap before continuing with the day, but Hanhui the Bossman decided to give us a treat after the presentation was done. So streetfood it was!

The locals' answer to prata. Made almost the same way, but somehow more tasty and more awesome. The one on the extreme left is with egg (not recommended unless you want a clogged artery), the middle one is something containing sweet sauce and capiscum (not sure about this, but everyone loves it), and the one on the right has vegetables, or specifically, 韭菜 jiu cai, which is good, but not easily accepted by many).
RMB1 worth of this is enough for one, since it's quite oily, but I've seen a single person eat more. 

The same stall also sells some egg hamburger thing, which is a more squashed version of Egg McMuffin. I didn't try this, but I've heard good reviews from those who did.

Bought some breakfast back for the others who were still editing their slides post-presentation. No hardwork should be done on an empty stomach, I say!

In the afternoon, we dragged ourselves (some more literally than others) for a Project Management lecture. Instead of just listening to Ms Hock conduct the lesson though, we had a rare class activity, aka an A-Team Mission!

Mission objective: Build a bridge out of paper and paper clips, strong enough to withstand the weight of multiple thick, logistic-related books. The bridge should be suspended between two tables and is not allowed to be weighed down at the ends.

Sounds impossible, doesn't it? A few pieces of paper to hold up a couple of thick books, really?!

But still, we bit out tongues, pooled the talent, skills, and intelligence of the A-Team together and got down to work...

Was too busy trying to stablise the bridge to take photos, yikes. Nonetheless, the point is that we actually managed! Not an easy feat, by the way. It took us thirty pieces of paper and roughly 44 paper clips.

Et voila! Le unstoppable A-Team et notre bridge (said I in broken French, haha). It was able to withstand four/five books, a file, and a laptop weighing 2.5KG. Not bad for paper and paper clips, eh?


Personal Reflection

Personally, I'm really glad we did this class activity right after the climb up that Monster Mountain that was Wudang Shan. It further it solidified my opinion that teamwork really does take a lot to bring out. This class activity was easy enough, but it can sometimes make or break a team; or even bring the best or worst out of some members.

In our case, I'm glad it's allowed us to exchange ideas and opinions more easily, and display the teamwork that we all share.