Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 25 - Taking Tests...Again

Started the day with our first and last practical test, one that I wasn't exactly prepared for. Practicals just aren't my forte. Nonetheless, I think the test was fine overall, except for the last part. Heh.

I spent the whole afternoon on project work, catching up with blog posts and falling asleep. When evening came about, I still had lots of stuff to do, so I gave the shopping trip with the others a miss. Decided to continue my blogging in Nick/Yuchuan/Edward's room with their internet, which made things a lot faster. Just as I suspected the internet on the first floor really is a lot better!

We got hungry, so Dee and Nick actually went out to buy dinner back for us, even waiting to eat with us despite them actually being able to eat at the restaurant itself. Even I know that's a big feat for Nick. Thanks!

After dinner, I headed out to get some bread for our impending doom Wudang Shan trip tomorrow. The bakery had already ran out of most of their bread when we got there though, so we only had a limited selection. :/

Went for a walk after that with Eliza, just around the campus because the weather was great. I had to cut the walk short though, since I need the toilet, haha.


Personal reflection

I think the weather will definitely be one of the things I'd miss most when I'm back in Singapore. Even though some afternoons here can hot, the night never disappoints. I'm one for cold weather, so sometimes being in tropical weather climate is really something I hate.

Going on a walk tonight with Eliza with the cold autumn wind blowing in our face, ah, if only we can feel the same thing when we're back in Singapore too...