Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14 - Surprise Surprise!

Started the day with the usual diluted coffee (I apparently can never make a good cup of joe, sadly), some biscuits, random singing with Sheila and Diyanah, and headed off to the good old classroom block for our OIE lecture.

Today's lesson was about Chinese Philosophy, and the teachings of Confucianism, Taosim, Moism, and Legalism.

It was taught by Ms Grace, thankfully, because her lessons are really much more interesting. I've always meant to read up about Chinese Philosophy and understand the teachings, but never had the time to, so today's lesson was fantastic since it gave me a little bit of headstart.

So we learnt about how ancient China was influenced by these teachings and how they brought about change in the government back then. Watched some videos too, but I was busy trying to translate for Diyanah and Sheila as usual so I didn't manage to catch the main message behind the video.

It was a meaningful lesson nonetheless, and I left with a much better understanding of the way the ancient dynasties ruled.

The most interesting part of today was, however, Zhenzhao's birthday! We were set to give him a surprise at Greenery Cafe near the supermarket after a couple of changes in the plans. Headed over with the roomates, Eliza, Eudora, Michelle and Mr. Chia at around 5.

 Edward the Fake Birthday Boy.

 Happy Birthday, Zhenzhao! Please don't mind that I can never get your name right ;__;

The Birthday Boy's table: Guys from the class and some local students who came along to celebrate Zhenzhao's birthday. 

Shiling's beef! Just putting it up here cos it looks so damn good.

Hope Zhenzhao enjoyed his birthday! You got off easy today, since there were actually much bigger plans, hohoho.


Personal Reflection

I think most Asian countries, especially those dominated by the Chinese, are influenced by Confucius or Taoist teachings, which may also be the reason behind why the Western and Eastern cultures can differ so much.

Confucius teachings are usually of the categories: 仁(Humanity),礼 (Rites),正名(Rectification of Names),中庸(Doctrine of the Mean),天与精神(Heaven and the Spirits),and 以德为政(Government by virtue).

Take his teachings about 仁(Humanity), for example. It is about how people should treat and work with one another, and how we should love our parents, strangers, friends and basically everyone. This is probably why in Asia, it is deemed disrespectful and unfilial to place your elderly parents in old folks' homes, while it is the complete opposite in Western countries. To them, it is the norm and way of life. On the other hand, Asian children are brought up to practise filial piety and respect our parents, and take care of them as they did when we were young. 

Today's lesson only skimmed the surface of Chinese philosophy, but it actually showed how the teachings of past philosophers could affect the present. Can't wait to find more time to read up on it when I'm back in Singapore.