Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 30 - The Last Lecture

Four more days to returning home, but I'm sure I'm going to miss this place. Today is another milestone, where we wake up early, for the last time, to attend our last lecture.

My seating partners and seat for the past four weeks. Gonna miss the good 风水(fengshui)!

Final photo in the nice classroom provided by WUST.

Last photo in the lift lobby!

Explored the building a little bit after the lecture ended, and found one of their lecture theatres.

Also found this spot near the above lecture theatre, where it was just an empty space with nice windows. The sun streaming in and the crisp autumn air blowing made me regret not exploring this classroom block earlier during the trip. -__-

Doing the Awkward Nicholas Pose again!

After leaving the classroom block, we all decided to try something new again since it's the last four days. We were a little bored of the usual 柠檬乐 and 快乐厨房 so we tried one of the restaurants next to them. We were hoping that we would unearth another good restaurant like we did previously with 快乐厨房...

Alas, this was unlike last time. The food wasn't as nice as our two usual restaurants. At least we tried something new, though!

 Had 鸡蛋仔 after our lunch; I chose the lemon-flavoured one, Houngsheng the chocolate one while Eliza had the strawberry flavoured one. Verdict: The extra dollar paid for the lemon-flavoured one isn't that worth it, since you can barely taste the lemon.

Tried another milk tea shop (our usual one was Four Seasons Flower Tea Shop) that was tucked away right next to the gate to 堕落街 that we didn't really take note of before. Wish we did, because their Hongkong style milk tea was pretty kick-ass.

Later in the afternoon, a bunch of us decided to get our hair done, while the others wanted to go shopping. Walk over to 建设二路 in the rain to the salon there (Thanks Yuchuan, for holding the umbrella for me!).
Didn't go back to the one at 堕落街 since the guys said this one here was better and we had the local students' discount card anyway.

Had to take an escalator from the departmental store behind the supermarket. Was a little surprise, because this salon, 发源地/Source Me (it took awhile for a few of us to realise it wasn't "sourcream" spelt wrongly; their space was kind of non-existent, haha) definitely looked a lot more grand, clean, and modern, which isn't exactly something you'd expect out of a building along 建设二路.

Yuchuan was getting a perm, a haircut and dye job.

Jo getting hair treatment, a cut, perm and dye job.

Sheila getting highlights done.

Edward got a haircut and a dyejob.

Agnes got a dye job done too!

End result for Jo! Everyone got abit nervous while her hair was still being done, but then the end result is still pretty awesome, thankfully.

Eliza and I didn't want to get hair treatment done like we initially planned, so we just decided to sit and watch all of them get their hair done. Was interesting seeing all their reactions throughout the process, haha.

Bought a pair of shoes from the China version of Ebay too; called Taobao. Had to run back to school from the salon halfway through the afternoon in the rain but it was worth it. :D


Personal Reflection

Honestly, one of the reasons why I like being in Wuhan is because of all the new things I can try everyday. Back in Singapore, because I'm so used to everything around me, there's no feeling of excitement when walking around the neighbourhood or even just going to town anymore.

Being here, there're countless things to do around the dormitory, and a lot of other streetfoods we haven't even managed to try. I'm glad we tried so many new things today, because that's what this trip was about: taking a leap of faith, trying new things, and having a sense of adventure.

I think my only regret is that we didn't dare to try new things until when there's only four days left on this trip. Hopefully we'd try even more things over the next few days!