Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 21 - Taking Tests

Our first ever test in Wuhan, China today. Actually found it okay, but only because I managed to rush my resource usage part of the paper. This is what you get for trying to spend so much time tidying up your AON network. :/

Headed to lunch with the usual lunch buddies Houngsheng and Eliza after that, while everyone else went to the soup restaurant nearby. We decided to take the path less taken, and explore for other places that wasn't the Greenery Cafe, Happy Lemon Restaurant or the Happy Kitchen.

So we walked along 建设二路(Jian She Er Lu) and found a small eatery tucked away in a corner. It looked pretty clean and as hygienic as an eatery in Wuhan can get, so we headed in. It was a 炸酱面馆 (Zha Jiang Mian Guan, fried bean paste noodles house) and they only sold, what else? 炸酱面, of course.

It tasted a lot better than the one from the campus canteen near our dorms, and it was pretty good. Not a lot of variety in the eatery though, other than beef soup noodles.

Some spring chicken Houngsheng bought around 建设二路, was slightly cold, but really tasty.


Personal Reflection

The biggest regret I have since being here in Wuhan for the past 21 days, is the fact that I haven't been able to try all their local delicacies.

Since most of us are creatures of habit, we seem to return to the same restaurants every night, but order different things on the menu. I can't help but wonder if maybe we should have explored more in this area, especially when their variety in food has been compared to that of Singapore's.

Sometimes as I walk along 旅大街 in the evening, I take in all the street stalls selling food, and wish I had a strong enough stomach to handle whatever food they threw our way. Don't get me wrong, the food really does look and smell great, but it's the sketicism I get from growing in an environment where food hygiene is of top priority.

And so, being able to stray away from our usual routine of eating along 旅大街 really made my day. That noodle-house may not be the cleanest place (we noticed that their kitchen was outdoors after a while, but again, ignorance is bliss) to eat, but at least now we know there's a decent place around the dorm to eat 炸酱面.

These little adventures, walking along places we hadn't before, is what I had initially looked forward to before actually arriving here. These little adventures that we wouldn't be able to have back home in Singapore, where we know most of the streets like it's on the back of our hands.

Eitherway, in the last 14 days here, I can't wait to have more of these little adventures.